Protect the environment - by using optimal conveyor rollers and idlers
We rely on the quality and durability of our products. In addition to the numerous other benefits for you, such as increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, you can also protect the environment by using our conveyor rollers and idlers. You don't have to replace and scrap our conveyor rollers every year, which means that fewer resources needs to be used to manufacture the corresponding spare parts.
The reduction in sound emissions (noise) and dust emissions (e.g. due to less vibrations and less wear) not only protects the environment, but can also contribute effectively to occupational safety and make the work of your employees and maintenance engineers easier and more efficient.
The savings in energy consumption through the use of suitable high-quality conveyor rollers and idlers can also be converted into savings of CO2.
Environmentally friendly conveying with belt conveyors
The use of modern continuous conveyors can be designed to be very environmentally friendly. Belt conveyors, which could be used as an alternative to the dump trucks that are unfortunately still used far too often in open-cast mines, have particularly great potential for positive changes. Belt conveyors require around 75% less energy than dump trucks and therefore produce significantly less CO2. The continuous conveyors also cause significantly less dust and noise emissions. They are powered by electricity and therefore do not produce any exhaust fumes or nitrogen oxides, which are otherwise produced when diesel is burned in the engines of dump cars and dump trucks used in the mines.
This is why the use of belt conveyors and their further development is of great importance both for the economy and for environmental protection.
In belt conveyors for bulk material handling, where around 2,500 to 3,000 conveyor rollers are used per kilometer of conveyor line, the use of inferior or unsuitable idler rollers can very quickly create true mountains of worn and defective conveyor rollers. We help you to avoid such situations and increase the service life of the conveyor rollers and idlers in your conveyors. This in turn increases the reliability and productivity of your conveyors.
Thanks to our decades of expertise in the field of conveyor roller production, our belt conveyor rollers in the mining industry - probably the most challenging industry for belt conveyor rollers - achieve an average service life of over 10 years!
We look forward to hearing from you!

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Idlers sales
+49 (2041) 177 - 227
Idlers and conveyor belt rollers
+49 (2041) 177 - 0