Example total cost of ownership

Who buys cheap, buys twice. Sometimes even more. When purchasing idlers, we recommend that you not only look at the price, but always consider the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO = Total Cost of Ownership). This way you can also take into account the hidden costs in advance of the purchase decision and thus calculate much more realistically, more accurately.


On a simple practical example of such a calculation (see below), we show you that it is well worth investing in high-quality products.

The data used for the service life of the idlers are in no way exaggerated, but are based on our practical experience. Our idlers have an average service life of often over 10 years in conveyor belt systems.


Calculation of the operating costs of a carrying roller (example):

Conclusion: The seemingly twice cheaper "low cost idler" proves to be almost four times more expensive to operate when looked at more closely!


Following costs were thereby in this example still not considered and would increase the final difference further substantially:

  • Still costs for unplanned shutdowns. Especially for critical conveyor systems, such as ship loaders, these costs can be extremely high.
  • Costs due to damage to the belt by defective idlers (in the example 6x higher probability of experience with the low cost idlers!). Although the probability of damage to the conveyor belt by a idler in operation is relatively low, belt damage usually has serious consequences and entails very high costs.
  • Transport and storage costs for new idlers (delivery, testing, storage).
  • Costs due to increased risks emanating from defective idlers (belt misalignment, fire events, for example, hot runners). 
    By the way, our idlers have emergency running properties, which significantly reduces the risk of hot runners.
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