It is a constant give and take. Because, as Albert Einstein said: "Progress thrives on the exchange of knowledge."
The Bulk Materials Handling Technology Conference 2019, Magdeburg.
Our employees regularly take part in symposiums, conferences and training courses. They participate in specialist committees of leading networks such as VDI and VDMA. We also seek advice from the best experts in the field when our own skills sometimes reach their limits.
On the other hand, we are also happy to share our knowledge and experience whenever possible. Our employees regularly prepare publications, papers, presentations and training courses: both for the professional world and for our representatives and customers. We can also organize such training for your employees or give you valuable tips for the optimal use of our products.

Your contact person
Idlers sales
+49 (2041) 177 - 227
Idlers and conveyor belt rollers
+49 (2041) 177 - 0